
Grasping Technological Innovation and Enhancing 3D Printing Architecture Technology

Time£º 2024/5/3Author£º adminClick£º 459

Today, China is facing a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. The intelligent manufacturing model, characterized by the deep integration of information technology and manufacturing technology, is leading the profound changes in the entire manufacturing industry. 3D printing, as a representative disruptive technology in the manufacturing industry, is increasingly valued by people for its transformation towards intelligent manufacturing.

In recent years, Wenzhou Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. has cooperated with multiple higher education institutions such as Tongji University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Northwest Polytechnical University to actively promote the application of 3D printing in construction in China.

The author has learned from several well-known domestic robot development enterprises, such as China Construction Technology Center, Yingchuang, China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau, Aomeirui, and Dajie, that 3D printing construction technology is not only flourishing in China, but also becoming increasingly mature. The development of 3D printing construction is imperative.

The 3D printing mortar machine developed by Wengong Manufacturing, with intelligent control, precise positioning, and strong ink acceptance ability, provides reliable technical conditions for 3D printing construction, and plays an important role in promoting the development of 3D printing construction technology in China to enter the fast lane.

Recently, it was learned that a JP10ZN 3D mortar printer using lithium batteries as the power source, low-voltage micro electric power, and matching charging piles has been launched. This machine will have profound significance in changing China's construction from traditional construction techniques that have been passed down to this day.

JP10ZN has advanced technology, fast command execution response, accurate positioning, no offset stacking, fast forming, and expanded activity range.

In recent years, 3D printing of buildings has become a hot topic in the construction industry. 3D printing technology, also known as additive manufacturing technology, with the assistance of computers, converts the manufacturing of three-dimensional solids into two-dimensional stacking and continuous stacking along the forming direction, ultimately producing three-dimensional solids. It has many advantages such as short construction period, high efficiency, and low overall cost. The use of 3D printing technology in new green building materials has attracted widespread attention in the industry.

3D printers complete three-dimensional digital modeling based on traditional structural drawings, and introduce intelligent technology in equipment control and software development to make 3D printing more efficient and accurate. On the basis of automation, computer vision recognition assistance systems and various sensors are utilized to make the printing process more intelligent. Through visual recognition optimization, 3D printed buildings can be efficiently constructed, with consistent appearance and precise dimensions.

At the same time, through an automatic positioning system, accurately locate the placement of steel mesh and other decorative components, reducing manual intervention and reducing errors. In addition, VR virtual reality technology is also utilized to allow customers to experience personalized customization of buildings, changing the "production determines sales" model of real estate

Relying on the automation and intelligence of 3D printing technology, it subverts traditional construction methods and triggers an architectural revolution:

One is to significantly reduce material and labor costs, replacing tedious manual operations through mechanized intelligent operation. Compared with traditional construction methods, it does not generate construction waste, can save 30% to 60% of construction materials, and 50% to 80% of labor. 3D printing technology can also reserve pipeline doors and windows while retaining the original reinforced beam and column structure system, achieving integrated and complete printing of internal and external decoration, shortening the construction period by 50% to 70%, and significantly reducing building production costs.

The second is to ensure the construction quality on time to the maximum extent possible. The fully automated production method abandons traditional wet operations and avoids errors in manual operations, resulting in high quality and efficiency.

The third is to facilitate the construction of irregular buildings. The traditional construction method is to build walls with bricks, and the overall shape of the house has limited variation. 3D printing, on the other hand, allows the form of the building to be as desired. As long as the shape and pattern are designed in advance, the walls can be printed and assembled.

3D printing architecture not only achieves intelligent, economical, green, and low labor intensity in the production process, but also maximizes the use of building recycling resources and achieves the recycling of building materials. It has played an important leading role in vigorously promoting the industrialization and intelligence of new construction, and promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry.

At present, Wengong is adapting to the progress of the times, taking advantage of the great opportunity of the booming development of the intelligent industry, increasing investment in science and technology, adhering to the theme of innovation, and striving to make great efforts in the field of 3D printing construction technology to build new achievements.
